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    Great Info About Turks

    Sultan Uyghur
    Sultan Uyghur

    المساهمات : 101
    تاريخ التسجيل : 16/03/2010

    Great Info About Turks Empty Great Info About Turks

    مُساهمة  Sultan Uyghur الجمعة أبريل 16, 2010 10:20 pm

    [left]-The largest covered bazaar in the world is in Istanbul, Turkey. (The Grand Bazaar)

    -The biggest nose in the world is on the face of a Turk, Mehmet Özyürek.

    -The coldest place in the world which is inhabited by humans is Öymököön, Russia, in the Republic of Sakha.

    -Sabiha Gökçen was Turkey's first female pilot and the world's first female combat pilot.

    -The Republic of Sakha is the largest province of Russia.

    -East Turkistan is the largest province of China.

    -Istanbul is the only city in the world which is located in two continents.

    -Turkish cuisine is known to be one of the three best cuisines in the world, along with French and Cantonese.

    -Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world.

    -Turks are everywhere! Surprised) From northern and north eastern Siberia down south to northern Afghanistan and southern Iran and from eastern China to western Europe.

    -Turkic is spoken by around 250 million native speakers within the Turkic world, which makes it the 5th. most spoken language in the world.

    -The Ottomans were the first to use the ricochet effect in war. This method, along with others, greatly helped the Turks capture Constantinople (Istanbul today) in 1453.

    -The Huns were the first to use a signalling flare. They designed an arrow which was not meant for combat but meant to make a loud whistle as it flew through the air. Before the fighting began the soldiers were trained and told what to do incase they hear this arrow pass over them during battle. While they fought the commander shot "The Whistling Arrow" above the soldiers and when they heard the loud whistle they knew what to do next.

    -The English word "yogurt" comes from the Turkish word "yoğurt".

    -Horses were first domesticated in Kazakhstan as early as 3,500 B.C.

    -Yogurt was first made by Turks.

    -It is now believed by many historians that many of things witnessed by Marco Polo in China, and some of which he brought back to Italy, such as noodles and other foods eaten by Italians today, accupuncure, "Chinese" medicine, etc. were not actually Chinese but were Uyghur food, and Uyghur medicine.

    -Biruni (973-1049), a Turkic scientist, investigated and experimented on gravity before Isaac Newton and explained that the center of the Earth pulled things in, which is why we don't float out into space. He also calculated the radius of the Earth, 6,324.66 kilometers, a number very close to the actual radius and explained that the world was round....way before that European guy.

    -The Great Wall of China was built by the Chinese in order to keep the Turks and Mongols from invading and conquering them, it worked for a while but not for long.

    -The Taj Mahal was built in India during the Moghul Empire, a Turkic empire, by Shah Jahan.

    -Manas, a Kyrgyz epic poem, contains more verses than any other story in the world.

    -Turkey is one of the largest tea makers in the world.

    -Coffee was first brought into Europe, specifically Italy, by the Ottomans.

    -The Mongolian Empire's, the largest empire in history, military consisted mostly of Turkic soldiers.

    -Kyrgyzstan is the only country in the world which has both American and Russian military bases.

    -The first writing system for the Mongols was adopted by Genghis Khan from the Uyghurs.

    -The Native Americans are descendents of Turks and other Siberian peoples.

    -Naim Suleymanoğlu, Turkish, once was the strongest man on Earth and is now one of the 5th. strongest men ever.

    -Samit Ijon, an Uyghur, holds the world records for the steepest long distance tight rope walk, the longest time spent upside down on a tight rope and the longest distance walked backwards on a tight rope.

    -The last home of Mary, the mother of Jesus, is located in Turkey.

    -Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) was born in Turkey.

    -It is believed that Noah's Ark is located in Turkey.

    -Most Melungeon, an American ethnic minority group, are descendents of Turks as well as Native Americans, Europeans and Middle Easterners. America and Turkey have even named Wise, Virginia and Chesme, Turkey to be sister cities.

    -The ancient, and once believed to be mythical, city of Troy is in Turkey.

    -The cymbal was invented in Turkey.

    -The Ottomans were the first to use marching military bands.

    -The Turks have founded more empires and nations than every other race.

    -The oldest rug in the world was discovered in Altay. So it can be said that Turks invented rugs.

    -Ürümchi, East Turkistan is the largest city in the western half of China. It's also the world's most inland city in the world, being further away from any major body of water than any other city in the world.

    -Turkey defeated England, France, Italy, Greece, Armenia, Australia, New Zealand and Russia to gain independence.

    -The Chinese jade you buy is most likely Uyghur jade. Around 90% of "Chinese" jade comes from Hotan, East Turkistan.

    -The pomegranate, also known as Chinese apple, isn't even Chinese. It was brought into China from Central Asia and even today almost all of the pomegranate grown in China is grown in East Turkistan.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت يوليو 27, 2024 3:32 am